You may remember in our BOOKSHELF corner we reviewed the wonderful new book from Carole Guyett ‘The Herbalist's Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth and Beyond: Herbal Therapeutics for the Childbearing Year’. In fact, in collaboration with the author’s publisher, we feature a full chapter of Carole’s book in Aromatika’s AUTUMN issue. Now, here is an excerpt from this extensive chapter ‘Herbal prescribing and safety’:
“It is clear from all of the above that herbal medicine is not an exact science. Many factors are involved, some of them mysterious. This is true of all of life, including human healthcare. Prescribing involves much more than simply choosing herbs with the required physical actions. As well as understanding the pharmacology and physiological actions of herbs, we can develop a deeper relationship with the plants, truly listen to them, and get to know their personalities and more subtle virtues. This enables us to fine-tune our prescribing to find the best herbs to match our patients, as well as being a way to honour our beloved herbs and their gifts."
You will find the complete book chapter in AROMATIKA Magazine Autumn 9.3 and, there is also a lovely discount coupon from the publisher Aeon Books for this excellent new book from Carole Guyett. Check it out in the magazine, the code is valid until 30 November 2022!
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