One of our missions here at Aromatika it to present subjects in a way that most articles would talk to everyone of you in some ways. With people around us from so many walks of life, it is hugely fascinating to welcome someone so very special amongst our contributing writers now! Anyone who have studied aromatherapy knows the name of Dr Daniel Pénoël from France who is one of the pioneers of modern aromatherapy and whose influential work kicking off in the 80s was also to train many others throughout the world.
Dr Pénoël is a Medical Doctor from Paris University and has been involved for over four decades in the battle to recognise natural medicine and Integrative Ecology. Dr Pénoël works in every aspect of the field and is also a global thinker and "a hands-on philosopher". He has travelled extensively worldwide to source and find new aromatic plants and the associated essential oils. Dr Pénoël has managed to combine his clinical experience, his medical skills and his vastly encompassing knowledge with his passion for creating and teaching a new grid of understanding based on the action of the essential oils: Quantum Aromatherapy®.
It is a huge honour, and please welcome the first of a series of articles from Dr Daniel Pénoël as he shares his philosophy of OSMOBIOSE and reveals fundamentals of essences and humankind.
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